Mac Software Essentials — one more


In my earlier entry on Mac software, I forgot one that is absolutely brilliant and a big help for those who have multiple computers, such as a workplace Windows PC. Synergy is a KVM (keyboard, video, mouse sharing application) without the V. In other words, it lets you share your keyboard and mouse across multiple systems, even if they run different OSes (MacOS, Windows, Linux, etc). Displays can be chained so that moving the mouse across the border of one takes you to the next computer. Even cut and paste works across systems and screensaver synchronization is possible (for some platforms).

4 Responses to “Mac Software Essentials — one more”

  1. 1 Doyle Saylor

    As before thanks Ravi, ever ventured into augmented reality displays? One long term project of mine was to do work about a geographic area, say a local park in which plants are identified even poetically spoken of if it is appropriate to imply language like use of pictures. And so on.

    Anyway augmented reality displays seem like for me a good tool for such work? And you?
    Doyle Saylor

  2. 2 Gary?

    any thoughts on ‘sandvine’ I think the prog is called. Used by ISP’s to strangle the likes of Skype and other competitive internet telephonies

  3. 3 ravi

    Sorry for the lack of response Gary?. I hadn’t heard of ‘sandvine’ till now. After a cursory visit to their site, it seems like their product could be applied to what you suggest above (strangling Skype)…

  4. 4 ravi


    apologies for the delayed response, to you too. I haven’t heard of augmented reality displays either… sounds similar to some of the work at MIT’s media lab, including some of the VR (virtual reality) stuff.

    I am afraid Synergy is a much more pedestrian (which is not to insult it in any way) tool…

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